Taking train and feeling moody again. Not because of knocking off from work late. It's because of him, because he don't bother to reply my SMS and Whatsapp MSG already. I think I made a mess of it by getting mad with him. It's a irreversible act. I regretted, really, very much. What can I do to make up for it? Or is there actually anything I can do to make up for it? No, I guess this is the straight forward answer.
It's worse than before, worse than the time when it's a one-sided from me. I really don't understand. If he really like me, why is he not showering me with more care and concern? He said he was waiting and after we got together, this is how he treat me? I really don't understand. I really wish to talk to him straight and direct on this. I don't like to think which might not be what he is thinking. But I also don't want to give him pressure. What should I do? I really don't know... I am lost...
The more I give thoughts to this, the more I think we jump into a relationship before we even know if we are suitable to each other. How I wish we were back to the time when we were at Ben and Jerry. I would suggest we get to know each other this time.